High-end Daycare Center Indoor Overall Design

The high-end daycare center indoor overall design is created for kids aged 2-10 years old and our aim is to build a comprehensive and multifunctional daycare center where children can study and play in a great environment, growing healthily and scientifically. Additionally, the daycare center indoor overall design consists of several spaces.

Firstly, the preschool classroom design for preschool-aged kids, occupying 96 square meters can accommodate 34 kids and adopts an open layout without wall partitions, allowing children to choose the functional area they are interested in, like the reading area or the building block area.

Secondly, the early childhood classroom for toddlers, spanning 76 square meters can accommodate 26 kids for study. Moreover, the toddler classroom design uses superior nursery setting furniture and a nature-themed design style, meeting the green and low-pollution requirements of the children’s environment.

Thirdly,the indoor playground area is inside the classroom, so that children finishing their homework, ending after-school tutoring, or desiring to have fun can relax, exercise their bodies, and enjoy wonderful amusement moments.Additionally, this design layout is beneficial for children to start their activities anytime.

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