Nature Style Daycare Center Reception Area With Premium Nursery Setting Furniture

As an important façade area of the daycare center, the design of the reception room is particularly crucial. This daycare center reception room is designed as an enchanting space with a nature theme, and plenty of natural elements are incorporated into the overall design of the reception room. Among them, some natural elements such as trees, grass, animals, cacti, etc., are used in the wall decoration, as well as the appearance design of the indoor playground equipment and nursery setting furniture. The color hue of the childcare reception area adopts soft, gentle, and eye-protecting colors including green, yellow, log color, and so on, so as to create a daycare reception area with a strong natural theme and give children who enter this daycare center for the first time a home-like comfortable feeling.

This reception area is divided into two spaces. One is furnished with high-quality nursery setting furniture and a mini modeling tree with a bookshelf reading furniture set. The other one is equipped with premium Montessori classroom furniture, a large modeling tree shelf playground, a stepped reading platform, and some indoor play sets.

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